Jan 19, 2009 23:19
Well... There's no real nice or un-awkward way to say what I have to say. I said I'd keep you all posted and so here I am. Yesterday I went to the doctor with some mild cramping and bleeding, and the result being a diagnosis of 'Threatened Spontaneous Abortion'. Basically what that means is that here's no rhyme or reason, but we've lost this baby. Sound harsh and kinda left field?? I know... Here's something though that I had no idea about: the rate of spontaneous abortions before the 5 month mark is 50-70%. Is that crazy or what?? After you reach 5 months it drops to 5%...
So... what now? We want to try again. There's no medical reason against it. We just have to decide when would be right for us. Right now we have a packet submitted to the military requesting they re-evaluate his fitness for duty based on his knee trouble. The knee specialist he's seen says he needs surgery but recommends the military look at him too. Until the military decides, he won't be shipping out anywhere. If they decide they still want him, he'll go and go quickly. At this point we just don't know, making the question of when to get pregnant again a complicated one.
In the end we go on as normal, grateful that it happened as early as it did: no ultrasound pictures to see and cry over, and no kicks that suddenly stopped. Our attachment to the baby existed, but not anywhere near what it could have been. Not only that, but thankfully Ethan is so young that he doesn't understand enough to be sad or confused. So that's all... That's where we stand. *shrugs* See? I told you it's kinda awkward...