Dec 17, 2006 19:01
So now that things have calmed down I figured I ought to make a posting that isn't all about bitching about $$. I managed to pay everything so far... though my credit bill is a bit higher now. *Sighs* Not a big deal. We'll take care of it... little fianced bit by little financed bit. *smirks* I called my sisters i law and we decided that we were only going to buy for the kids, not each other, since none of us have the cash, let alone the time or vehicles to do anything else. So the kids buying is done... As is buying for my family. Got Cisco a used Nintendo DS for his b-day/x-mas. *RHE* Whatever... he really seems to enjoy it. With the costs this season I even went so far as to ask Cisco not to get me an x-mas gift. I mean seriously... I love him, he loves me, and we have this incredible little boy. How many new things do I need? From June until now I've had all kinds of new things happening or coming my way, up to and including Mom and Dad getting a new house and leaving Cisco, Justin and I here to pay rent and have this house all to ourselves. A house... not one or two rooms in a house, but the entire thing. *Blinks* Not to say a surprise bit of jewelry with Ethan's birth stone wouldn't be blushed over and appreciated (just some random idea as a Kay's commercial comes on), but it just isn't necessary.
Anyhow... yesterday we were all supposed to go over to Burningbush... an impromptu b-day event for Cisco and his older brother. *shakes her head* Of course the M-I-L insists she told almost everyone like 2 weeks ago, though no one had any idea of what she was talking about and I know she never talked to me about it. SO... rather than risk WWIII I cancelled going to WV to see some friends for their holiday bash, and planned on attending their last minute thing. *shakes her head* Then they cancelled... the day before no less. *shakes her head* No sweat though since Sarah (sis in law) still planned on heading over with the kids in hopes of finally getting to take her xmas picture. *shrugs* To help her out and since I'd alreayd cancelled the WV plans, we let it be known that we'd head over too. *smirks* Can you guess what happened next?? Yep! 9:30 am yesterday - the day we were supposed to congregate over there - we get a call. The father in law isn't feeling well and we can't come over. Once Cisco tells me this I'm damn near busting a gut over the hilarity/suckiness of the situation, all the while trying not to scream 'I told you so'. So, I try to call Sarah to see if she got word... left a message. 12:30 pm I call their house line and ask if they'd gotten a call. They hadn't! They were still planning on going over, so they called over there, got the low down, and were like 'now what?'. So I offered my place. We busted butt, straightened things up, threw ornaments up on trees, showered, dressed, and ordered pizza for us all. We actually had fun. It was the first time we'd entertained ANY of Cisco's family, we did a kiddie photo shoot, and just had a good time. It was very adult, and still very cool. Eventually I'll get everything loaded, editted, and uploaded to the net for general posting. email me if you want pics before then because I can email them... once I have them loaded. *smirks* Hehehe...
OH! Friday Cisco Ethan and I followed Dad up to Georgetown Park for Ethan's first Santa experience. How cool that his first Santa run in is actually with his Grandpa whose voice and recorder playing he's already cool with. Not that I think he'd freak out with any other one, but it's just extra cool. I got tons of pics, 2 video clips... the day was nice.
Oops! Fussy baby alert! He wants to play. Gotta run!