That's right! Boris the betta did! He's got a flashy new condo.
I got him in a gallon finally with a proper air filter. Betta fish, like all fish at about one inch in (body) length, need at least one gallon of water for a healthy life. Despite the "bettas don't need extra filters/aeration" mantra that's out right now, it's still better to give a betta proper fishy attention just like any other fish you bring into your home. Anything larger is out of my price range right now, although it looks like the two gallon could fit in the same spot pretty easily. I like that it's plexiglass/plastic. It's still the perfect size for me to clean in the kitchen sink at school. I'm thinking about adding a ghost shrimp or two (33 cents at petsmart), but I know that he'd probably inevitably peck at them. He's a feisty betta, definitely. Perhaps I can experiment.
Edit: In other news, all my survival nightmares have gained realization.
I could survive for 1 minute, 19 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor Created by
Bunk Beds Pedia