
Jun 24, 2011 07:06

Direction always seems to be something I have, because I'm going in so many of them.  I was lacking motivation and drive, since there were so many things I was passionate about, and didn't focus on a single one.  I would often post about random symptoms that I had, and things doctors said I "have".  Then I finally learn the whole truth of the matter - that all of those things I have, pulling me in every direction but the right one - it turns out they were all symptoms.


They were symptoms for a chronic pain disorder called Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS).  I've been fighting these ever-worsening and ever-increasing symptoms for about ten years.  It has taken ten years for it to escalate to the point where the family doctor would notice the connection.

In order to be diagnosed with FMS, one must meet the following three criteria: chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and chronic pain disorder (with specific "tender spots").  I think it's safe to say that I've exceeded those requirements...

There are many symptoms aside, which vary from individual to individual in type, intensity/severity, and what helps them.

There is no known cause nor cure for FMS.  What's more, naturopaths who are apparently able to 'cure' this disease all say that the root causes for it vary from person to person.  I personally cannot afford to spend $110 every time I see a naturalpathic doctor, and pay for a handful of $400 blood tests (which are not covered by medicare).  As a health geek, I have been attempting to rebuild my own health from the ground up, going by what I can have covered by medicare, and going to see my doctor who may or may not agree to have things like blood tests for iron levels, thyroid hormones, and so on.

Now my life has one direction: to cure myself as much as I can on my own, by eliminating symptoms one by one.  I'm currently working on chronic fatigue syndrome.  I have already cured myself from brain fog.  (Yes.  It is possible!!!)  And the brain fog was pretty bad, too, folks.  Sometimes I didn't even know what was going on in a basic, everyday conversation.  I also had really poor motivation and drive, was lethargic, depressed, felt helpless and hopeless and alone.  I removed myself from all of my friends and hid in the basement.  It seemed like too much work to go out and be social.  Those symptoms, teamed with the chronic pain and the chronic fatigue was too much to bear.  I became a loner.  But now I feel this light shimmer of hope, a ray of light coming from the end of the tunnel.  Can I be normal again?

Is it obvious where I'm taking this?

My life purpose now, is finding a cure for the incurable - unfortunately, since we FMS sufferers all have FMS for different reasons, this will not help everybody suffering from it, but it is a good place to start, as far as guidelines go, anyway!  It is my hope that others on a similar conquest will be inspired by my journey to build my health from the ground up.  It is my hope that the things that help me can help them, too.

I'm relieved to finally have a sense of direction - now I can move forward with confidence, and have no regrets looking back at the path behind me.  Keep moving forward - even if there seems to be little hope.  To stand still is to accept defeat - so move forward, even if it's just one foot ahead of another.  After some time, you will look behind you and be surprised about how far you've come along from where you were standing.  Time passes whether we move or not.  Those little steps will make a difference.

So don't you not be steppin'!

Good health and wellness to all - keep the faith, whether it's in religion, philosophy or alternative spirituality - there is always hope!

chronic fatigue syndrome, fms, brain fog, fibromyalgia

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