Title: Heartstrings
Chapter: 20/?
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: MinSu, JaeChun, JaeHo, YooMin, JaeMin
Genres: AU, General, Romance
Disclaimer: No disrespect intended when writing this fiction. I do not own the boys - they belong to SME. I only own the plot and fic banners.
Summary: A lot of love stories start with a tug at the heartstrings: Your heart beats faster when you're near him, you fall in love with him without knowing, you think that you can be with him forever - that is, until the consequences come flooding into your heart.
Author's Note: Unrevised again. It's been forever since I last updated. Does anyone still remember this fic? :3♥
“Jaejoong-ah, I love you,” says Yunho, all serious and not a trace of humor in his voice. )