Title: Of Demon Hunting, Labyrinths, and Love
CerinityKS &
Starlit_skysPairings: MinSu
Rating: R
Warnings: None this chapter (to be added as they appear)
Summary: Junsu and Changmin on their journey to find their mentor, kill the supernatural, and unlock the secrets of their past.
A/Ns: So, I know it's been a really, really long time >.> but we're both really, really sorry >.< we both have the time to work on this again and so we've started up, and honestly , I think it'll be better now then a year ago haha anyway, I won't hold you guys up, but we both hope you enjoy the update ^^ Tell us what you think~
Part 3
Changmin grinned and shook his head, amused. Junsu would never change.