Decided to create an LJ account for my art. I don't really want to post much on DA any more and even though I do love this account here, I feel like starting afresh.
I'll still try to post my personal journals here when I remember to, because we all know how often I tend to do that any way XD.
A warning though, some images will be over the 'PG-13' rating and 'NSFW' etc. These will all be hidden behind cuts and labelled accordingly though. Also, such post's will be under 'Private', so friend me or you miss out :3
So yeah, I'm starting to draw again! Horay! About bloody time.. I guess that means I've relaxed enough to let my 'creative juices' start to flow again. Not that I wasn't using them when I was sewing and such, I just think that they are different juices than the ones used in drawing.. all this talk of juice is making me thirsty :\
Hopefully now I'll be able to concentrate on Art more now. I have one set of holidays left next week - going to tropical QLD to be with mah wifey <3 - then I will be back to work work work and earn all the money I spent. This means I should be able to catch up on all that art I owe people!!
If I owe you anything, please post here and let me know, I do remember most of what I owe but I also kinda have a memory of a goldfish sometimes B:
Soanyway. That's the update.