Jun 22, 2006 22:43
I used this title twice now... dont know what to put...
well i have million things to talk about...
my harpest friend Koni is leaving tomorrow to korea... and to philadelphia for good... never going to see her again... (i will make sure that we see each other... Koni... you have to come to commencement... and you have to stay over at my house after... ) i will miss you dearly~~ and good luck in curtis~~
and today after my exam... i went to young and bloor to meet brenton... (well... more like Koni meeting brenton... we hang out sometimes... i dont have any feelings for him anymore though) so we went to second cup... and talked about music... then i realized im with all the music majors... the amazing ones too... i mean justin was the vocal leader for musical theatre, brenton was the section leader for cello... and koni... the amazing harpest... then there was me the dance major... ha... however i fit in quite well... we talked about our favourite composer... what style of music we liked... and other dorky music major stuff... then we went to get cello strings for brenton... and well.... four strings came up to more than 3 hundred dollars... i remember violin strings didnt cost that much... but anyways... i learned that there were different types of strings and the sounds that they make... i didnt understand half the thing he said... then we went to sam record store... my gosh i love that place soooooo much... i found a dvd of romeo and juliet ballet by abt starring angel correla and alessandra ferri... i wanted to buy it soooo bad... but... not enough money... but i will get it... im saving up 300 dollars to spend in that record store!!!
anyways... so my exams... well... i did really really really bad in kinesiology exam... it was dreadful!!! because that morning i had physics exam!!!! that went really really really well!!!! i either got perfect or 1 wrong... hanna if you are planning to take physics next year... i have notes saved and cheat sheet saved just for you... and my english exam was ok... but im pretty sure i failed... but my calculus exam was sooooo good... i am pretty sure i got perfect... if i didnt... i will be quite disappointed...
anyways... so for the bad news... i wont be able to attend pirate party... do not hit, smack, or kill me in anyway plz... i have stupid family business thing... i really really dont want to... but my mom is making me go... we got in a big fight over this... like its going to be really really awkward!!! f***!!!!!!! anyways... so... i will see you guys after summer~~~ bye~~