what's new...

Dec 18, 2011 20:58

Little update as to what is going on in my life...

I'm starting my new job tomorrow. I'm very excited but also a little nervous. I'm going to do something I have never done before...I mean, I know some background about it but not much. But I was so ready to leave my job. I was getting really stressed and burnt out. People we're coming and changing everything and me being the senior in my section had to deal with all the bull shit around it. I was also tired of answering 500 questions per day because everyone else that worked there was "new". It's time they learn their jobs....they wont have a choice now...the expert is gone.

Christmas is tough this year. Way tough. I can't be with the ONE person I want to be the most with and that is really hard for me to deal with. I'm working through it but I can't wait for it to all be OVER with. I'm done all of my shopping. We're spending Xmas at the cottage this year...for the first time ever. I'm not that excited about that either. First time ever I spend Xmas away from my Cousin Gen...and well I will be talking very little to Allie...and that breaks my heart more than I can explain. Thank god I will be there only a couple days.

Speaking of Allie....Jesus I miss that girl. Words cannot express how hard it is to be apart. My trip last month was by far the best. We've bonded and connected and so many new ways it's crazy. I love her more than I ever have. I absolutely adore every second I spend with her. I don't think about anything else but US when we're together. No drama. No sadness. No Pain. Just us. I'm so very ready to go see her again....soon'ish I hope. Soon.

That's all for now...
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