Jan 13, 2005 17:05
Aaaah almost Friday! Yay! I'm not doing anything though. Gosh dernit.
OH! Noah's friend Megan has moon boots like Napolean Dynomite! What a jerk.
Hmmm. There's nothing really happening. I've been grumpy all week, though. Stupid girl stuff. Also, Garrett gets all mad at me in art class when I try to suggest something (when he asks, mind you) because he thinks I'm a better artist than him. Meh.
Tyler dyed his hair all pretty. It's a really cool purple color. Yaaay. He also has a freakin' kickass yhetti-thing t-shirt. I want it. Jasper got it for him in Thailand, along with 2 pairs of comfy-looking pants. She said everything's really cheap there. She was at a beach that got hit by the Tsunami, but left 2 DAYS before it hit. Scary, eh? I'm glad she's home safe. She said she had stuff for me from Thailand, so that'll be cool to see. Maybe I'll dedicate my "Tidal Wave" project in art to Jasper. Hmm.
Shireen isn't coming back. Her mom's making her go back to Athens High. She says that her ex-boyfriend ruined a big part of her life and she doesn't want him near her anymore. That Stephany girl, the day after the fight happened, had the nerve to walk with Shireen's ex-boyfriend through the hallways. I glare at her everytime I see her with him. Both of them made Shireen leave. And it's not like I'm close enough friends with her that I'll invite her over or anything, I just really liked seeing her at school. I'm going to miss her.
Cassi and Alex are also having some problems. It just sometimes it seems like his band is more important to him that she is. I made her a really crappy poem today about me loving her, so maybe that helped cheer her up. I wish she would get online so I could talk to her.
Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Exam week is coming up. I'm not sure what I want to do, since I'm exempt from them. If I could, I'd come in late so I could sleep in and then hang out with everyone the rest of the day. Unfortunately, I can't drive, plus they'll count me absent for those classes. Another option is just staying home all 3 days. But I'd get sooo borrreeeed. Hmph. My last option is just to go. It might be what I'll be doing...I dunno. I'll eb so bored if I stay home since I can't drive, so I can't really go anywhere. Maybe if Cassi and Laura stay we can just hang out in the study hall room or whatever. Yeaaah.
Cody got his haircut! YEAH! FINALLY! He looks good. It'll look better when it gets shaggier. Yaaaay. I'm supposed to make a cloak for his birthday though. Eh. I wonder if I have anyblack material. It's going to be so crappy =\. Raaaaar. Times running out, too! AH! God damn.
I want Cassi to get online, damnit. Hmph.
Well, that's it. Tata!