Damn it!

Nov 03, 2004 18:34

Today i was driving home from school around 6-ish, listening to 105.3, and i heard a great summary of yesterdays election results. The announcer basically said that Jesus Christ was re-elected....he thus went to say that in no way was he saying that Bush is in any way like JC, but that basically values where re-elected. The educated people who examine which candidate will best support their rights and liberties where beat out but the religious, moral people who were basically voting for the guy which most resembled Jesus Christ. Apparently there wasnt a turn out of more young voters like there was expected to be. The radio guy said instead of youngins, more evangalistic voters came out. People who live in urban areas voted for Kerry and people who live in rural, small communities, and some suburbs voted Bush. Apprently this goes to show that the urban area residents are more educated in concerns to politics (which is something i assumed long ago anyway)....c'mon think about it...some guy who shovels cow poo and who lives in a community centered around one establishment ...a church..isnt going to be very educated about their politicans....the only person preaching to them is the priest who goes by the Bible and thus is against gay marriage, abortion, and stem cell research anyway.......It's a shame that people who are not educated in the ways of real politics can vote. Those people in rural areas voted for Bush because they dont have a lot on their plates....basically they worry about 3 things: their family, their small business/ farm, and another terrorist attack....they dont know why it is so ridculous for our country to be in Iraq....they only know that they fear terrorist and that Bush is "taking care of it".......
Now i realize that I may be overly critical or judgmental about politics and democracy because Kerry lost and I was raised by hippies but still.....I am farely educated ( I say fairly because i realize there is so much I dont know)
But yeah...I have never so 'hit' but a radio show before....course this stuff just happened and I am pissed about Bush being re-elected.
I know everyone on my livejournal friends list voted (outside of sharni cause shes too young...but i know who she would of voted for anyway...and california sided with Kerry so cant really be pissed at our state) but still...i am shocked that more young people didnt vote.......
Overall summary:
- our country is fucked for 4 more years
- a lot of people in the US are moral but not educated
- Ohio sucks
That about covers it
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