Oct 15, 2004 23:33
Ok if it wasnt bad enough that this week was filled with midterms, papers, quizzes, and shady 'dorm-room' people, now i got stuck at home on friday night....granted this is due to every plan being pushed to saturday night...but overall it still stinks. I was suppose to hang out with either jon and glen or monica tonight but my fuck-head sister called both of them for some god forsaken reason and told them that i was in fact not going to hang out with them and that the plans were pushed to saturday night to accomidate her needs....what a fucking bitch....i had a crappy week and she decides to ruin the one fun thing i was looking forward to. It is times like these where i hate having some of the same friends as her. Jon, i understand because he has limited funds and usually likes to keep 'outings' to one night a week, but monica too! That girl will usually hang out even if all we do is make funny accents when we talk. I dont know...its times like these when i feel the world is against me.
I could almost kick myself in the ass right now cause i got asked out today but i disinclined because i thought i had some friends to bitch to tonight...if i only knew....now i'm not immediately attracted to this guy cause he's blonde but i bet he's sweet...and if anything i'm sure he has attractive friends i could get to 'know' (of course i always have my real motive....bitch, i know)...anywho...Damn it!