May 25, 2007 21:58
Ok. It's official. I have a new enemy, other than E.P. It's E.J. SHE'S SUCH A JERK! Today, before gym, J.R. and I were singing some band song because we had both just had band. And E was like, STOP! And I said, why? And she said, because I want you to stop, and I'm going to be president! And I said, psh. No you're not. (But I was JOKING!)
Later, she said (in this ANGRY, HOSTILE voice), Is there a certain reason why I can't be president? And I said, well, I was joking, but if you were going to, you most likely wouldn't be elected because you're a girl. G**, YOU'RE SO SEXIST! (IS WHAT SHE SAID). And then, in this snotty, high pitched, whiny voice, GIIIIIIIRLS CAN'T BE PREEEEEEESIDENT. And I was like, I'm not sexist, I'm saying what I know about the world and its ideas about female leadership. And she went, well, there are a LOT of women leaders in the world. And I said, I know! But people, and the media don't think that women are capable of being president. Remember, that the law is that the president has to be a U.S. citizen, and has to be over 35? Well, most people think that being a man should be in there too. And she said, BUT THOSE LAWS WERE WRITTEN IN THE 1700s! And I said, yeah, but most people still live by them! Look at our last few presidents. Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr. And she was like, you know, it doesn't matter what the media thinks. And I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OF COURSE IT DOES!
Later, during our frisbee (gym) game, she kept saying, move! Go! And she was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. HOw was I supposed to move? HOW? She's just so.........AAARG!!!!
Why do people think they can control me???
pirates of the carribean!!!!!!