took this from hollie, who took this from amy

Jan 24, 2006 14:14

10 things you hate
1: racism
2: ignorance
3: elitism
4: worry
5: child molestors and sex offenders
6: stepping in a puddle of water with socks on
7: waking up minutes before my alarm
8: someone being upset with me
9: math
10: not being in control

30 have you ever
Picked flowers from someone elses lawn?:

Had a close friend die?:

Had a close family member die?:
no, but i think that will happen soon (great grandpa is 97)

Sniffed a permanent marker to get a mini-high?:
i sniffed them, honestly, because i liked the smell, but i never got a mini-high

Doubted your sexuality?:

Written on bathroom walls?:
yes..things like i love tyler always and forever (when i was in elementary school)

Stapled your finger?:
no, that would be painful

Watched porn?:
never...if you know me you know how much i hate porn

Cut your own hair?:
my bangs, but not the rest of my hair

Been to Disney World?:
not yet

Been to a nude beach?:

Climbed a pile of boulders so you could say 'I'm the king of the world'?:
most definately

Thrown up on a roller coaster?:

Danced in your underwear?:
everyday...yeah, everyday

Had a long distance relationship?:
i suppose if you count when joe was in mexico

Taped a 'kick me' sign on someone's back?:
yes, i'm so mean

Ate something off the ground ignoring the 10 second rule?
doesn't everyone...well depending on the floor

Gotten your tongue stuck to something cold?:
a piece of ice

Been to a fortune teller?:

Burned things because you were bored?
still do

Stuck gum under a table?:

Had the same dream more than twice?:

Talked to yourself on AIM?:
is that possible?

Had to go to the hospital because of a fireworks accident?:
no, i'm super safe

Made a truck driver honk his horn?:

Seen a UFO?:
i thought so once, but it probably was just an airplane of sorts

Who was the last person to
Kiss you: joe
Hug you: joe
Call you: joe
Text you: jamie

Can you
Write with both hands?: i am capable of i good at the left hand? no
Whistle?: nope
Snap?: yes
Touch your tongue to your nose? no, but i can turn my tongue over
Tie a cherry stem in a knot using only your tongue?: yes...and am i ever proud
Juggle?: no
Hacky-Sack?: not well

Color: red
Movie: amelie
Place: new orleans
Number: 6

Piece of clothing: my fuzzy fleece pants

Smell: vanilla, or chai tea
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