Feb 27, 2006 18:34
so the past few weeks have been less than fantastic. but its okay because im a heavy believer in Fate and the whole "everything happens for a reason" thing and i really do think that the less than fantastic things that occurred, occurrred because they were meant to open me up to other things. and it really has. so im thankful for that and i'm just hoping everything works out okay.
i got my tonsils out exactly 10 days ago on friday, february 17th at 10:30am. it was probably the most ..i dont even know what..but definitely the most something experience of my life. something not good. im not going to say it was the worst experience of my life because unfortunately, ive endured more difficult things, but i definitely never want to be in a hospital again. everyone kept telling me it would be good because id face my fear of hospitals...but it only strengthened my fear. everything from the IV to the morphine drip..oh god. the worst part though was waking up..and i was conscious but i couldnt move. but they couldnt tell i was awake. i was aware of everything going on around me for a solid hour (there was a clock that i just watched) i was freezing and shaking with the oxygen mask on my face just absolutely petrified. i didnt remember anything from when the anesthesiologist (sp?) came in and put the medicine in my IV and i was just dying to get to my bed where i could at least see my family and be warm. ugh that was the worst. second to worst though was that the morphine made me sick. everyone kept telling me "oh its amazing! you'll be in your own little world" well let me tell you, i was NOT in my own little world. i was not only in a tremendous amount of pain, i was so sick to my stomach i threw up blood. so i stopped pressing the button for the drip to give me more morphine..so the whole time i was in the hospital i had no pain killer...ugh i cant think about it anymore. but it was nice that so many people came to visit me..it was so sweet of everybody. people brought me flowers and ice cream and balloons and cards..that was definitely nice even though i felt bad i couldnt really talk. besides my mom, my dad, my sister, and my brother..my aunt and uncle came and then gabby, luz, stephanie, lisa krista, kristine, gianna, sabrina, raquel, and katie rog came! there were so many people they had to take shifts. it was real cute.
andddd not many people can say they stayed in the same hospital right around the corner from Governor Pataki. so that was cute.
so now im still sore and on percocet..but today was the first day back at school. i finally dropped my 8th period class so i get to come home around 1:15. it might be nice though to work on my art in ms foleys room though so that i can catch up on my collage painting. i think its going to come out really amazing..so im really excited about that.
i think thats about it..i miss luzvagina:O( shes away in chile but shes coming home in another week...before she left she got me real nervous about planning prom though. from the dress, to the date, the table,the limo, the hair, nails, afterprom..last year it cost over $800 all together..and that was just junior prom. im gonna have to be more careful this year...okay im out. i gotta write my LIM essay so that i can send all that out tomorrow.
ps. oh! i forgot. ive become absolutely obsessed with Lost. my brother bought season one on dvd and i watched them nonstop. on friday? i watched for 8 hours straight. it is so addictive. he said it best, "it is how i imagine its like to be addicted to cocaine." he couldnt be more right. perhaps Lost is even more addictive than cocaine. i dont know. but you must all go and watch and you'll see how you cant stop watching. im downloading the episodes from season 2 from him now..its a bit annoying though because it takes like 7 hours an episode or something. but its probably better that im forced to space it out and ration my portions of Lost, as now that im almost recovered i dont have 8 hours to spend watching a TV show. sadly.