Oct 05, 2011 00:48
It's midnight already, and I'm still awake. I already sleep this evening, so I feel less sleepy right now.
So, I thought of updating something here. My life? Well, I am still adjusting myself in studying,
and I have a very short semester this time.Test and assignments are coming, so I don't know
if I can still procrastinate and lazying around ( I still do it though,hehe)
Since Sho is having a new drama, which means Arashi's new single is coming soon, I did hear a
little preview of the song. And I'm so in LOVE with it! I can't wait to hear the whole song!
I also manage to read some fics, and I did have some ideas in mind, but I don't know if it
will turned out good or not. Guess it will have to wait.
What's more?Hmm.. Owh, CONGRATULATION A.B.C-Z for upcoming solo concert! I'm so happy for them,
though I wish they would be debuting sooner or later, not Sexy Zone which seems to be younger.
I have nothing against them, I just have everything against their name and the fact that some are so young.
Still, they are cute. So let just wait and see.
I thinks that is all for now. I'll keep in touch here for a moment.
Ja ne!