A Late Merry X-Mas!!

Dec 27, 2005 12:59

I wasn't able to get online n do this earlier cuz I had been workin on presents n then stayed at my mama's on x-mas eve n then brandon's on x-mas. we opened gifts with my daddy yesterday n we got a new computer (cuz this one is messed up like CRAZY!). it was fun! I also got 2 stereos (1 fr mom n 1 fr brandon) cuz mine had broke down after 12 years (more or less, i think i did an entry on it) so I'm gonna put one in my room n the other in the garage when we move in. i gots a mkr season 2 set, but it came with 2 first discs, so it's missin the 2nd one, but the rest are there... funny x-mas huh?

MERRY X-MAS!! HUGS FOR EVERYONE (hehe, there's the hug that i owed you). chelle, gimme a call so i can give you your gift. ^_^

As for my other girls, i found them all (suprisin!) n they're all doin well. devin is in chicago visitin her dad n his family, christine is chillin n i'm gonna go over soon (you hear that!! muwahahahahaaa!!), juanita is now engaged! i was like (O.O)!

but happy holidays to all my girls, guys, n LJ buddies!!
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