Jan 21, 2005 15:34
Hello, long time no update I know. I went home for break, had such a relaxing three weeks. Worked more than I wanted to but c'est la vie. I'm a broke college student.
Once back on campus I found out that SAB is going to Boston, you know my ass sign up for that trip right quick. Three days and two nights in the city of my birth...gotta love it. I can't wait to see my family too, maybe even stop at the cemetary, havent been there in a long time. Ok no depressing thoughts.
Random me plug, I'm obsessed with John Mayer...I really am. I bought his cd No Such Thing while at home on break for like five bucks at Walmart and I liked it, wasnt all that impressed with it because it just seemed very random. Then I saw him on some VH1 show where he was the host, I find it sick that we share the same wack job humor and sarcasm. And then I went to Barnes and Noble a few weeks later with my x-mas gift card and bought Heavier Things. I didnt listen to it for a few days because I had been slightly unimpressed with the previous JM purchase. I can safely say I was wrong in my thinking. Heavier Things is playing constantly in my head, on my computer, mp3 player and even the damn shower. I love the music because its well written and I personally think John is a lyrical genius because his lyrics do sound plain on No Such Thing but a lot of it was metaphors which I hadnt known. Heavier Things is a lot more in depth and I guess I like that. Wow this has turned into a Love John post..Oh well sue me, its my live journal biatch. By the way....i love his eyes and lips. If you have lips like his, please send in an application and a diamond ring :)
OK, less randomness
I'm in the Vagina Monologues. Ok I said less randomness, it is, slightly. The VM is going to be amazing. These girls I'm performing with are freakin hilarious and such great actresses. I feel like a five year old because God I cannot act. It's not even that much acting, i have like 5 lines and a paragraph to memorize and I cant even do that. Hell come to the show to hopefully see me straighten up and act well, or if not come to see me fall on my face and puke on your shoes.
-Love to all!