Hey, Gleeks, let's talk.

Aug 03, 2012 18:45

I love Kurt.

No, really, I love Kurt.

Very rarely on TV are there characters that I really, truly identify with the way I've seemed to latch on to Kurt.

There are other characters on Glee I like, too. Burt is the most awesomest dad to have ever awesomed. (IDK if that's a word or not.) Puck is hilarious. And really, I adore Blaine, too. Tina/Mike is fabulous.

Rachel... reminds me of my biggest rival in high school, also named Rachel. So I can never tell if I like her or not. It wasn't that we were enemies. But vocally, she and I competed constantly for every solo in every song that came along. And she even kind of looked like Rachel Berry. I'm sure it's a coincidence.

This all has a point, really.

This show is an ensemble show.

AND this show is not a documentary.

AND this show, as of right now, is not a drama.

Glee has done some wonderful things. It has brought light to the fact that the arts need funding. It has brought a teenage gay couple (now two) front and center on mainstream television. And it made them one of the more stable couples on the show. And really, this show's creators are pretty good when it comes to dealing with whack-a-doo fans.

And we, as a whole, are pretty whacky.

But, mostly, we are entitled.

We need to stop this.

I'm not saying that we need to stop with reaction fic. But that's what it is, FIC. I'm not saying that we need to not feel whatever it is we feel about whoever we feel on the show. That's ridiculous. What I am saying is that this community, as a whole, has become very demanding.

The finale didn't go my way! WRITE COMPLAIN SCREAM WHINE!

This story isn't going the direction I like, COMPLAIN IN PUBLIC TO THE AUTHOR.

I want more KURT!

I want less RACHEL.

I want more kisses!

I want fewer bowties!

Ugh, Blaine has too much hair gel. They get rid of the hair gel for a little bit of one episode. Why did they style his hair like THAT? Darren's hair is so much better than that!

We do not get to write the episodes or each others' fanfic. We are along for the ride, and we need to put a little trust into the writers. Yes, that can be hard to do. Especially when they break that trust. But we have options.

There is a remote control. You can turn off your TV. You can hit the back button on your browser. You can wait for summaries to see if you want to view a particular episode in question.

These characters are not real. As real as they may seem to US, they are not real human beings, and there will always be fanfic available of them. Write your own AU where Kurt gets everything he ever wanted.

But here's the thing, Glee is a fantasy loosely based on reality. In reality, Kurt wouldn't always get everything he wants, no matter how much outside forces demand it. In reality, the Rachels get to force their way into places that they don't deserve while the Kurts get left sitting there going, "What did I do wrong?"

In reality, Kurt and Blaine in smalltown USA have to count how often they get to be seen in public together holding hands, and kissing, and even in their safe space of the choir room, they hold back, because they aren't quite sure who could look in, and they aren't quite comfortable with it. But as much as we want to change their reality, it isn't going to happen through a petition on a site. It's going to have to happen in our reality first. We're going to have to make it okay for Johnny and Jimmy in smalltown USA to hold hands and kiss in their high school. And some of that will come from Glee, but it's going to be in a circle. The next step isn't from Glee's end, it's your neighbors, and your friends and your relatives, and your kids. We as a non-fandom community, as a human community need to make it safe for the Kurts and Blaines, so that Kurt and Blaine on tv will feel freer in public, if that's their choice.

(Personally, I don't think Kurt will ever be a PDA guy. Maybe holding hands in public, but kissing in public? That's not him, really.)

So have fun, that's what Glee is about. Right? Express yourself in fic, song, art, whatever, but the demanding of the writers -- fic and Glee professional team -- is really not necessary.

glee, rant

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