Springheel_Jack writes up Roman Polanski so we all don't have to. This is the month of really large daddy longlegs. They're forever getting trapped in stuff, like the one this morning that had attached itself to a bit of radiator-fluff and was stuck. I freed it and it came flying at me, trailing cobweb, like a very small nightmare. Stupid things.
Comments 6
Obviously, everyone's entitled to their own artistic opinions. Personally, I think that, cinematically, Polanski has done some brilliant work over the years. But because I'm an adult, that doesn't mean I have to defend or condone his being a rapist. Becuase SJ is presumably an adult too, he shouldn't feel the need to slag off the films on the basis of the man being a rapist either. I can't help but think it both weakens his argument and makes the post look facile.
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