(no subject)

Sep 22, 2009 05:51

I know we all know magazines are crap. I know they're bla bla a guillty pleasure etc etc. But really. They're crap.  I'm tired of this reverse snobbery that now says it's cool or something. Whatever, I'm not going tell people what to read. But reading them is exactly like voluntarily handing over a substantial pile of loose change in order to be sold shit and be spoonfed trite crap in the process.

Why does Intelligent Life actually just mean 'overpaid aspirational little shit's life'? What's intelligent about a feature on Savile Row? Wankers.

Also there is a copy of Elle knocking around in the loo right now. There is an article on 'spirituality' written by a fashion consultant.
bites_the_sun , I thought of you. Besides the monumentally insulting idea that some completely unqualified stranger (and that's unqualified even in suitably woolly, 'spiritualist' terms) should be able to witter on at me about her 'spirituality', the fact that it's entirely contingent on having disposable time and income enough to go to Thailand to find your (spiritual) teacher before you can find your 'true, spiritual self' is the most classist thing I've heard since, ooh, I flicked through a copy of Intelligent Life. The rest of us on minimum wage being, presumably, sub-human Morlocks simply grunting at each other in a pitiful state of 'pre-spirituality', then. Fucking fascist bitch. Got a pain in your shoulder that even your 'regular massage' can't solve? Easy, just one session of kinesiology - whatever the fuck that is - will get rid of it. 'Ra [her Australian kinesiologist who was almost certainly not christened Ra but who equally certainly is laughing all the way to the bank] tells me the right side of the body has to do with relationships'. I practically hooted at that. Next time I have some unspecific pain, I'm gonna go and speak to N and tell him to 'have something to do with' my right arm for me. Wankers. Not to mention the quasi Victorian fucking paternalist attitude to her staff's spirituality - with a sprinkling of neoliberal profit-mongering missing of the fucking point: 'To some of my clients I'll say I'm sure if everyone who worked on a retail floor did 15 minutes of group meditation, sales would go up.' Well fuck you, you trite little piece of shit, if I were her staff, I'd spend my regulation 15 minutes actively 'visualising' Mrs Fashion Spirituality disappearing into a blender, or identifing 'which side of my body' is specific to condescending overprivileged twats, and work on kinesiologying her into eternal discomfort or even a speck of self-awareness. I leave you with this gem:

'When friends ask how to begin, I say: sit quietly for a minute. Try to listen and notice what feelings come up. Observe what your mind is saying [currently: 'wankerwankerwanker'], how negative your thoughts might be, how fearful you are of letting go of old patterns. That's the beginning. Start by doing nothing.'

Did you know that all diamonds are actually polished turds? Yeah. Think on that, spiritual friends. Or better yet, don't think at all.

magazines, classism, spirituality, feminism, rant

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