a sex poll, because I feel like it.

Feb 17, 2009 23:45

I don't have a paid account so I can't post a poll. But we'll ask the question anyway. This one goes out to all you straight boys:

What is your attitude to cunnilingus? Answer in an anonymous comment (or signed in, if you're brave enough). You can choose a letter and add your comments. I'm curious about the straight male point of view.

a) I could do it all day long. The thought of it blows my mind and always did.
b) It was a bit weird and hard work at first, but now I've got some confidence I really like it.
c) It doesn't do anything for me directly, but the fact that it turns her on turns ME on, plus I get the indirect benefits (more sex, reciprocal blowjobs).
d) It's a bit of a chore and I'd rather not do it, but I kind of do anyway, in the interests of reciprocity and being a good partner.
e) I really dislike it and avoid it.
f) I don't have any of the above reactions and will explain in the comments.

NB Assholeish, sexist, pussy-hating, or otherwise offensive comments will be deleted/defriended/judged harshly by me and my flist. It's not offensive to say you don't like it, but it IS offensive to cite misogynist reasons why.

Fire away, boys!

flist brain trust, tmi, way tmi

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