Rocky Horror

Nov 29, 2010 14:11

After I had watched the "The Rocky Horror Glee Show" episode of Glee, a friend pointed out to me that I would probably get more out of seeing the episode if I had actually seen "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" before. So, since this friend also owns the DVD, I borrowed and watched it.

  • I kind of liked the singing in Glee better, but tried to keep an open mind. The only one who really impressed me was Tim Curry. >_>
  • The singing lips at the beginning facinate me. I liked them better in Glee, though.
  • Re: The plot -- WTF?
  • Columbia reminds me of Mad Moxxi. I liked the Columbia outfit in Glee better (do you sense a trend?) since she had a red hat like Mad Moxxi does.
  • I recognized a scene with Janet from one of tropicanaomega's LJ icons.
I honestly prefer Bones and Fringe to Glee, but the singing and dancing is so entertaining I just keep watching.
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