TV Fox's THE SWAN Show

Apr 22, 2004 16:44

Well ..... As everyone has watched , Fox's has come up with a real good one now
THE SWAN...... A show that me and my bestfriend watched at her Condo , and i was just ready to be sick when it was over . sooooo sad , these girls needed to spend millions on therapy for self esteem rather than surgery that made most of them just look like they needed someone to apply make up to them properly. The thing that cracks me up the ost though are the creepy looking surgeons that stand inback of the girl when when she is crying infront of the mirror , smileing and clapping all phoney to me alittle. and when it was all over . i felt myself compelled to watch AGAIN !..... i could not take my eyes off of the previews. WE HAVE TO WATCH!, its like it is so bad , in some demented way its good!. I will keep watching the swan no matter what as i know all of you might aswell too. OH! reality TV!!!! what will they come up with next????????
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