Helluva weekend...

Mar 16, 2003 23:46

Didn't get to write much about work last night. It was fine. It was gorgeous until about 7:30, then it was like the temp did a 180, it was freezing. Today at work was fine. I can honestly say, it was the best mood I'd been in all weekend. I had a really weird dream last night, it was crazy, I was at work, and there was this big controversy about me getting fired, because I had thrown some paper towel rolls at Alan for making a comment about boobs. That was my dream. but then at work today, Krystal brought up this question about boobs and we all started talking about it. It was WEEEEEEEEEIRD!!! Work went fast though, real fast. Even the last couple hours which (if you're ever stuck there until 8) usually SUCK. It was just Sue, Kristi and myself, and we were all retarded and hyper, so we were singin. yeah. nuff said. But like thats really on my mind right now.
Ok, Rocky's hard enough to go every day not seeing, then my mom hits a frickin bus, and today I am down a cat. Grrrreat. K, heres the story. See, yesterday before work, my producer man Darren and his wife Dana came by. And darren had a job producing this commercial against satelite dishes, and they were thinking of ways to dis the dish. They were going to have their dog eating out of one, and they wanted to put kitty litter in another one and have a cat in the shot. So we said that today before work, they could come by and use Serge for their commercial. That was somewhat exciting, thinking my kitty could be on tv :-D but anyways, so Dana came and got him today, and he was so not happy bout being in the car. He was crying and whinning and...I felt so bad for him. I hate sad kitty noises :-( So anyways, I go to work, all is fine, but when dana picks me up afterwards, I ask how she's doing and she's like "not too good, I'm feelin pretty...pretty crappy right now". When we got home, I walk in and my mom's standing there and she gives me this look and says "Sit down... we have to talk". And I just frickin knew. You get these weird sense feelings when you just know something. And I knew. So, somehow Serge got out, and no one knows where he is. It was better than hearing he got out and got hit by a car, but still... its dark out, its getting cold, and I don't know where my baby boy is. We get a call that one of the neighbors has him, so we frantically drive over there, and its not him. I can't tell you how much of an adrenaline loss it was to open the door and see this unfamilliar cat. After we returned the kidnapped cat, we look around, but we just can't find him. And I didn't realize how upset I'd be until now, when its like time to go to bed and I have no idea where he is. Its a very helpless unsure feeling. I don't want to stop looking for him, even tho I'm at my own house now (far away from where he got out). I don't even want to close the garage door. My mom said maybe we should leave a little bowl of food outside the garage door. But with our fancy luck this weekend, I used up the last of the bag this morning. My bed's gonna feel a lil more empty tonight. Eh, it'll still be crowded with the other two kitties, but still... :-( My baby boy. I wish I knew where he was. My little man :*( God, he's such a stooge too, he'll get himself killed. I just wish I knew he was safe. I wish I knew that more than anything. He could be outside, he could be cold but at least I wish I knew he was safe. Not like, running away from other wild animals, or drowning in the river or on the side of the road somewhere. Thats my baby. He's still a baby... how much does he know. How much about outside can he know? I keep thinking about him in the car before work today. Pettin him, tryin to make him feel better. :-( My baby. Ugh, Phoenix is depressing the hell outta me. She just wails around the house now. God. I'm trying to stay positive and crap like that, but its really hard when you're lil dude is somewhere other than where you want him. So I'm still hoping that the next few days, he'll just magically show up. But...idk.
ok, I'm gonna go now. Goin to see the show again tomorrow. So it'll be quite the emotional roller coaster to end this stupid fucked up weekend. Good night.
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