Oct 10, 2008 18:50
- A is for age: 22
- B is for beer of choice: I have limited experience with beer, but from what I'd had I suppose Sam Adams.
- C is for career right now: graduate student
- D is for your dog's name: Maggie/Bandit
- E is for essential item you use everyday: toothbrush
- F is for favorite TV show: The Wire
- G is for favorite game to watch: college football
- H is for Home town: Wayne, PA
- I is for instruments you play: Piano and horn
- J is for favorite juice: apple cider
- K is for whose butt you'd like to be kicking: Manny Ramirez
- L is for last place you ate at: my apartment/Spaggedies in Columbus, OH
- M is for marriage: Single.
- N is for your name: Jennifer
- O is for overnight hospital stay: nope
- P is for people you were with today: roommate, miscellaneous baseball-watching people
- Q is for what's your best quality: I'm from Pennsylvania, the greatest state in the United States
- R is for what are you currently reading: Homicide: A year on the Killing Streets - David Simon
- S is for relationship status: Single.
- T is for time you woke up today: 9 am
- U is for the type of underwear you have on: Hanes
- V is for vegetable you love: carrots
- W is for worst habits: internet addiction
- X is for x-rays you've had recently: dental ones in 2004
- Y is for something candy: Snickers
- Z is for zodiac sign: Aries