Jul 29, 2008 18:36
Someone's been sending me issues of Prevention magazine. It's Reader's Digest sized and has articles with titles like, "Boost Brain Power in 1 Day!" and "Fight Fat for Life! (Win Back Your Metabolism: What You CAN Eat)" and, one of my favorites so far, "Amazing Motivator!!! (How Faith Helped 3 Readers Lose 241 Pounds!)"
The three exclamation points really sold me on that one.
As I was writing this a couple of ADT salesmen knocked on my door and offered me a free security system if I'd let them put their sign in my yard. The hill my house is on is apparently a prime advertising location.
When I said, "no thanks," one of them told me if my house ever caught fire the security system would call the fire department... even if I wasn't home!
I said, thank you very much, but I still wasn't interested.
He was obviously the hard pitch guy. The other guy just stood there looking uncomfortable.