original I PUT THIS IN MY OWN JOURNAL HAHA *shot for being stupid*
mimi-pieCharacter(s) or Pairing(s): China, Korea, Seychelles, Taiwan
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: aaahhhhh...idk.
Preview, ya?
I'm not getting e-mail notifications...dammit El Gay.
This post was kind of a continuation of
this one. Eh.
Aaaaaahhhh, click on the pic to go to the original/see it bigger, muahaha. ^_____^
It was an art trade with ririlemone on dA. *w* I was so luckyyyyyy~~~ but I just completely failed! Gaaahhh, but she made me LOVE Korea x China. ♥<
aosidjfaodifjodj THE BACKGROUND. *STABSTAB*
LOL she's like sticking out her booty. XD rawr, asian persuasion there!
Anyways, I like to doodle a lot in class, but lately, it's honestly just Yao, Alfred, Arthur, Kiku etc...the main characters.
Perhaps giving me an awesometastical prompt with other characters would help ease my boredom.
Replies may be late.
LJ srsly sux at giving me email notification thingys.