History - Backstory

Jun 18, 2006 17:02

History//Backstory post for Milinda Olack, 4th year Gryffindor. Here. Now.

Player Information
Name / LJ Username: Ivan // “OhThatIsBadNews”
HiH House: Ravenclaw
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address): OhThatIsBadNews // OhThatIsBadNews@Hotmail.com // Christianrockerrelmo@verizonmail.com

Character Information
Name / LJ Username (if available): Milinda “MiMi” Olack // “MiMi_Olack”
House: Gryffindor
Age / Birthdate: 14 // November 9
Year: 4th

Bloodline / Heritage: Half // British - Russian
Personal History: It was fate that one day during summer vacations, that a certain muggleborn wizard by the name of Jacob Olack would run across a beautiful sixteen year old girl while vacationing in Russia. The girl’s name was Olga. Olga, as Jacob soon came to discover, was a witch herself. A pureblood witch that attended Beauxbatons, while Jacob himself attended Hogwarts. Over the summer they talked more and more, and became more and more social to each other. They went for long walks, picnics in the park, and other romantic things. Olga, who had no intentions of developing a romantic relationship with Jacob, took the things to be just for fun. A way to pass time, if you will. Jacob, however, realized that day before he was to return to Hogwarts, that he was in love with Olga. His parents told him he was foolish, that a 17 year old young man couldn’t fall in love over the course of three months. They told him this, and he actually began to think that his feelings were imaginary, that he wasn’t in love. The day of the departure from Russia, Olga had became ill, and he was not able to see her before he boarded the train that was heading back to England. His parents told him to forget about it, to not worry. But, his seventh year at Hogwarts was spent longing for her. Wishing that he could see her. Once he finished school, he returned to Russia, only to find that Olga no longer lived in the house she had the summer before. Discouraged, he went back to the small side café where he had first met her, and ordered the exact same thing he had the year before. He opened up a book he had been reading, and tried to take his mind off of it. Luckily, that was impossible, for seating across the room from his table, was a young woman, by the name of Olga. Olga had had a whole year to dwell on things, and it had dawned upon her that her mind always seemed to slip back to Jacob. So had spent her sixth year in Beauxbatons trying to find some way of reaching him. Her heart skipped a beat as she heard him order, and as he started to read, she slowly made her way towards him. After tapping him on the shoulder, she leaned in and hugged it. No more then two months later, they were married. They rented a small place in Olga’s home town, allowing her to finish up her schooling. Two months before she was to finish school, Olga found out that she was with child. Excited, the couple quickly began making plans to move to London. They both decided that the town they lived in was no place to raise a child. It had no primary schools, which they both decided that attending one was best for their unborn baby. Also, the town was too small. They wanted the child to experience things, to have a fun childhood growing up. Soon after Olga’s completion of school, they moved to the small flat that Jacob’s parents owned and had lived in when they were first starting out. Jacob took a low paying job at the Daily Prophet, writing a small column on a muggleborn wizards points of view on happenings in the magical world. Olga, due to her condition, took up a small side job of selling witch weekly to local wizarding businesses. Months later, they had a beautiful baby girl. They named her Milinda, after Olga’s great grandmother. Milinda was, to say the very least, a wild child. She was known to get into things she ought not get into as soon as she could walk. She liked to explore, so whenever her mother brought home anything new, you could bet that MiMi was the one to check it out, and make sure that it was safe. Around the time that MiMi turned one, Olga decided to go back to following her dream: Becoming an Auror. Naturally, British Auror training was very different from Russian. It took more time, but Olga was up for it. So, MiMi was left with a nanny during the day, and both parents were home at night. By this time, Jacob had moved up in the ranks of the Prophet, being a natural columnist. They were able to afford the nanny, and still live comfortably. MiMi continued to grow, becoming smarter with each passing day. She spoke her first words around the age of nine months, which, interestingly enough, was ’ink.’ Around the age of five, Olga completed her training, and became an Auror. She wasn’t stationed anywhere, but simply went back and forth each day. Jacob, also had risen to the top of his small job at the Prophet, and was finally given a job that demanded respect: Investigative Reporter. Thus was the start of the Olacks assent to wealthy status. By the time that MiMi was eight, she was put into a private primary school. She had the best of everything: Clothes, Shoes, anything. She even had a top notch racing broom by the time she was ten. Very spoiled, MiMi never wanted for anything. Her birthday parties were always huge, with things that most girls only dream of. Horses, concerts, meeting celebrities. You name it, she had done it. BUT, it never affected her. She, being a very down to earth person, always was doing something nice. When she received her Hogwarts letter, she was very excited. She practically was bouncing off the walls the night before she was to leave. Waking up bright and early the next morning, she practically MADE her parents get up and leave early, just so she could sit in the train. It wasn’t a tearful goodbye as the train left that day, quite the contrary. MiMi was happy. She was singing and having a fabulous time. Her parents knew that she was a good girl, that she would be fine. Upon arriving at Hogwarts, she was sorted into Gryffindor, much to her father’s pleasure, having been one himself. She does. the normal things. Likes some classes, hates others. Likes some teachers, hates others. Love to fly, makes friends, and enjoys herself. She continues to write home every week. Other interesting facts: Can play piano, but doesn’t like it. Loves Animals.
Personality: MiMi is an overall happy person. Hardly ever one to look on the downside of something, you can always count on her. Even though she has money, she doesn’t flaunt it, and very rarely even brings up the issue. Her attitude says a lot about her. She doesn’t consider anyone to be any better then anyone else. But, on the downside, sadly she has a temper. It takes quite a bit to get her upset, but once you do, she’ll attack. Thus the Gryffindor hotheadedness. She is also brave. She stands up for what she believes in, refusing to back down. She’ll fight for a worthy cause anytime over things like shopping.
Physical Description: Brown eyes, with a few inches past shoulder length brown hair. She stands around 5’6. With a slender build for her height.
Preferred Body Model: Olesya Rulin

If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length. --6th TG character--

Hobbies and talents - max of five: Flying (even though she doesn’t play for her house team), Ballet
Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses: Harsh when angered, thinks before she acts more often than naught, Her mouth had gotten her in more trouble then most others, has a tendency to be stubborn, even if she doesn’t realize it.
Best subjects - max of three: Care Of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Divination
Worst subjects - no max: History Of Magic
Broom (if applicable): Nimbus 2001's and Firebolts by permission only CleanSweep 11
Wand: 14 ‘ // Yew Wood // Phoenix Tail Feather

List of classes for current year: Core Classes plus CoMC Divination

Alignment: 100% Anti-Voldemort. She is very vocal about this, and cares not who she tells it too.