Bored in School

Dec 16, 2005 14:01

Well here I sit in 4th Hour here it is 35 minutes until we leave for the weekend. And we have a substiture. Yay ^^. I mean it's not like I don't like my teacher. She is really nice. It's teh class. Word Porcessing. I know All of this already. I couldnt be in Creative Writing or Graphic Design (two of my pasions, obviously) And I didn't want to do anything else. So they just dropped me into this class without asking me first. Oh joy. Here we are learning about Style Formats in Microsoft Word, and I already know this.

Anyways, Thank Goddess It's Friday!! Today I gave Jasmine and Emerald their xmas gifts. They each got a bag of dool ranch doritos Jasmine got, Snickers, Sprite, SlipKnot poster, and a Drawing notebook. Emerald got MD Jolt, a 5 subject notebook to put all of her writing in. A The Used poster. And they gave me two pillows, one's tiger, adn oneis a CRUNCH bar!! A MCR poster and calender and a lil cinese take out box that is a piggy bank. Today is good.

Yesterday Wasn't. I got asigned teh 2cd seat on the bus for making-out with my b/f in the second from the back seat. So not I ride my mum's bus ^^.

Anyways, Break starts tuseday and I have 2 partys on Monday ^^


Wow this is a long entry . . .
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