Feb 03, 2005 17:40
.-*Basic Info*-.
-»First Name: Kim 0r Kimberly
-»Hair Color: dark br0wn
-»Middle Name: Vivian
-»Hair Style: p0ny tAil
-»Eye Color: br0wn
-»Height: 4'11 5'0
-»Location: Merritt island.fl0rida
-»Birthday: May 11, 1989
-»Zodiac Sign: taurus
-»Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
-»Do you have a crush?: my b0yfriend
-»Favorite Animal: penguin
-»Favorite Sport: f0otball
-»Favorite Color(z): blue
-»Favorite Friend(z): SaMiEe..hEiDi..ChRiSsy..ViKky..DAnNi
-»Favorite Song(z): like t0y s0ldiers, m0ckingbird, b0ulevard 0f br0ken dreams, tell me
-»Favorite Band? SUM 41
-»Favorite Movie Quote: idk
-»Favorite Store: fAshizzle
-»Favorite Feeling: hAppY
-»Favorite Shoe: ADdiDAs
-»Favorite Scent: curve 4 mEn
-»Do You Wear Make-Up?: N0t 0fTEn
-»Which is more important, personality or look`z?: pers0nality
-»What kind of personality do you like in a guy||girl?: funni, sweet, nice
-»Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?: idk
-»What is your idea of the perfect guy||girl?: REgGie
-»Would you ever ask someone out?: i d0nt think s0o
-»Do you prefer blonde`z or brunette`z?: brunette's cuz im 0ne
.-*Love, Life & Friend`z*-.
-»What is the first thing you notice about someone? l0okS
-»When's the last time you cried? idk
-»What do you want to be when you grow up? lawyer 0r elementary sch0ol
-»Do you sleep with stuffed animal`z? N0t n e m0re
-»Do you like someone right now? REgGiE
-»Do they know? yESs
-»Do you have a best friend? yESs SaMiEe
.-*Do You Like To*-.
-»Do you like to give hug`z? yESs
-»Give back rub`z? s0mEtimES
-»Take walk`z in the rain? N0pE
-»Do you ever have one of those falling dream`z? yESs
-»What is on the wall`z of your room? pictures, posters, calender, and necklaces
-»When you chew gum, what kind? whatever s0me0nE givES mEe
-»Do you use chap stick? yESs
.-*In The Past Month, Have You*-.
-»Drank? N0pE
-»Smoked? N0pE
-»Drug`z? N0pE
-»Made Out? yESs
-»Go on a date? yESs
-»Go to the mall? yESs
-»Eaten an entire box of Oreo`z? N0pE
-»Eaten sushi? N0pE
-»Been on stage? N0pE
-»Been dumped? N0pE
-»Had someone unfaithful to you? N0pE
-»Watched The Smurf`z? N0pE
-»Hiked a mountain? N0pE
-»Made homemade cookie`z? N0pE
-»Been in <3? yEsS