Book Project: Jane Eyre

Oct 30, 2008 13:58

Writer: Charlotte Brönte.


Young governess Jane Eyre comes to Thornfield estate from Lowood school to educate little French girl called Adele Varens a love child of a Parisian opera singer. With a hard past behind her she finds peace among mrs. Fairfax, Adele and other servants of the house. This peace is interrupted by sudeen arrival of Mr. Edward Rochester the master of the house.  Jane falls in love to this sturdy man who also loves her. They are to be married but it is discovered that mr Rochester has a living wife.

Jane escapes. She finds a place among strange people and takes up a place as a schoolmistress at a local girls school. Eventually it is discovered that the priest of the village church is her cousin. This handsome young man is leaving to be a missionary in India. And he wishes Jane to accompany him as his wife but Janes heart still belongs to mr Rochester.


I have always loved this book. It is not only romantic but it gives me a picture of an era. The characters are interesting and they have personalities. Mr. Rochester is gloomy, Jane has hope and inner strength, St. John is uncapable to love because he finds it a sin and so on.

This book makes me feel happy. It makes me imagine how could have I lived in susch an era. I relate to Jane. She knows what she needs to do to live happily.  She has taugth me that happiness can not happen if you have risked you concience.  She is contrasted by mr Rochester who feels that happiness can be gained even if acts done to claim it are seen as evil. But in his heart mr Rochester is good unlike St John Rivers.
St. John is not content as he is. He wants something better and knows how to gain his dream. Tough he seems to be a good man, in his heart he is cruel and unaccepting. He also is contrast to Jane.

I do not know what else to say except that this book has played a key role in my life since I read it the first time. It has captivated my mind and continues to do so every time I open it.

Next book will be Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas senior.

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