May 29, 2008 09:30
As some of you may know I have a bit of obsession on princesses. This was caused by my childhood which contained more dinosaurus movies than princess movies. Mostly because if my litlle brother who we shall call the duke.
Well anyways I thougth you migth want to know my favourite princesses.
I Cinderella: I lhave loved her story all my life. My favourite version is the Perrault's version because it has such a nice lesson.
II Princess Rose/ Sleeping beauty: Also this story has a nice lesson. Patience is underlooked in these days.
III Beauty: She is just so brave. I really can relate to this because at the beginning I was kind of scared by my Prince. I called him the bogie man... But as in this story the scary monster was really a prince.
IV Donkey skin: I just like the story.
And ofcourse my favourite princess of all times is ME!!!
daily secret