Nov 30, 2011 18:29
I'm cranky right now because Dad makes me wait and -zoom-. He just zoomed off to fetch mom without notifying me that he went off. I can't-... THAT'S ANNOYING.
And more annoying when I saw her tweets. If you want me to unfollow you, guess what I can't. You are my friend. I don't know though, when people are in love, it's the nicest feeling ever. Is it? But she is beyond annoying I cannot compile how annoying she is. Her boyfriend is in KL for God's sake and she's missing him as if he's already dead. It's not wrong to miss your boyfriend but... as I said, I cannot explain. Fuck.
Shopping deprived. I miss salon's smell :c Not to forget, shopping. Right now, I really want to go to the Etude House for its Petit Bijou line. Everything to be exact. And the Face Shop. Polaroid camera. Ugh, Body Shop when will you call me for an interview?
the face shop,
etude house,
the body shop,
petit bijou