Apr 30, 2005 17:58
So...it's been a while
spring quarter has been pretty good.
SPOP is awesome. I love the people, and it is so much fun but it is so hard not to decide to just forget classes to go have fun with them but I gotta keep focused with my 23 units. I really want almost all As.
I am going to be on student staff next year! I am so psyched! I get to live in Middle again and as a STAFFER!!! woooot! I get to be the ME Community Council Newsletter Editor Executive. YEAH student staff!!
I like all my classes...My professors are pretty chill and I actually feel like I understand chem...hahhahaha...
Midterms are coming up...Yikes! I have chem and poli sci on monday and I have history friday...three this week! so I am a lil stressed...specially for poli sci.
And...my last day as a teenager...I feel pretty strange...the past twenty years have been...long..hahahaha...anyway... a lot has happened in these first two decades of my life...I guess that makes life exciting in a way. We'll see where life takes me in the next two..
Ok...i gotta read like a mofo cuz i accidentally napped for two hours and a half instead of one...