Jun 05, 2005 11:45
so much has happened in my life! i graduated and that was odd because my body still thinks i'm going to wake up one day and go to central for 13th grade because holy fuck i spent 4 years of my life there and those were 4 years of lots of changes and those walls have seen/heard so much and my brain has done so much i wonder if i can function anywhere else
work has also been a big thing for me recently. it's painfully boring at times which makes me sad because i'm realizing that's probably how all jobs are. and the whole "environmental" aspect of it is weird because the office does everything from worrying about recycling like 5 cardboard boxes to changing the whole infrastructure of the camp. so that's odd. but i'm pleased with myself because i've been finding the humor in it all. i pretty much spend all day laughing and that gets me through.
but now to the big stuff. shayna, danny, and brint left today for camp. which means they are going to see allllllllllllllll my favorite jews tonight. while i am at home. and then later they'll get drunk and party in new orleans while i am at home. and then after that they'll be counselors and do something i've never done before while I AM AT HOME. ah! i'm going to miss out on so much!!!! it's painfull; i can't think about it too much.
so instead i'm going to make this the most amazing, busy/laid-back summer of my life. i am going to become fluent in spanish, make lots of money, make wise shopping decisions, lose 10 pounds, read everything i want to read, learn how to be clean, get tan, and learn to have fun at those awkward parties that i typically hate.
oh fuck it. who am i kidding? i'm going to waste all my money on crap, be really bitchy to my family, gain 5 pounds, and make a huge mess of my life. (well, maybe that last part is a bit of an exagerration...)
so to all of you at camp who are reading this from the crappy computers in the "mail room" or whatever it's called: I LOVE YOU!!! enjoy the summer and please please please don't forget that i exist!! and also if you ever have day off during the weekend, give me a call because i will find a way to come be with you!