wilco made 2 cds with woody guthrie lyrics...i heart woody so i'm going to listen to it

May 02, 2005 21:07


this week is only bearable because the weekend exists.
my livejournal is broken and i can't see my friends updates which is SO sad.
uh i'm not a real senior. i have no cap and gown (except now i have a hand-me-down), no pictures, no invitations, no prom pictures. "i have no life!" said sam lahasky.

college! ah-my savior....except not damnit it because it's going to be so flippin hard and i'm just going to get fat and drunk and NEVER do well in classes and probably not have sex.

the end.

pero, tambien, quiero deciro que YO ESTOY ENOJADA porque espanol es la idioma mas estupida en todo el mundo y senora kratzke es muuuuy muuuy fea.

also. i stalked parkview today and read their yearbook COVER TO COVER like a freak. yeah, that's me.
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