May 20, 2005 19:55
I'm talking about Rusty, of course. He just impressed me by making a nice gesture and I'm proud of him.
So, last night was our school's awards night. I am completely and solely in charge of planning the event, and making sure everything goes off without a hitch. It was another success. I'm always so happy when it runs smoothly, that I don't even think about the fact the other people might be happy with the job I did, so it's always a treat to come to school the next day and have the teachers congratulate me on another nice, short, well planned evening.
A bunch of us went eat at the Balcony after. Myra and I had too many jello shots and started dancing on the table. Oh, wait, that only happened in my dream last night. I actually was the only one who had a glass of wine with supper. I told them I needed to unwind after getting so tense with awards night, but the truth is, I don't think I get tense.
Don't get me wrong, I'm an emotional roller-coaster most of the time in my personal life, but I don't get stressed out about my job. I worry, and sometimes feel a little overwhelmed, but I don't freak out and get stressed. Like this week, for instance. This past week I was actively in charge of planning LEAP tutoring, planning summer school, finalizing paperwork for my committee that reviews students that need learning assistance, finishing retention reviews, finalizing awards night, organizing common exams, finishing guidance lessons with classes before the end of the school year, and prepping cumulative folders to be sent to LCO next week. All this and being available for Mrs. Shaw whenever she comes up with a job for me to do, and for the students that need to see me. I don't think I ever got stressed. The teachers in the administrative meeting laughed yesterday when I told Mrs. Shaw that I had sent the janitor to ask teachers what training they attended this past summer to recognize them at awards night for continued professional development at 2:45 pm, and I didn't think that was too late to take care of that. Why not, all I needed was a list to read at award's night at 6:30 that evening. No problem. At least it got done.
I think that, as far as work is concerned, I am never on edge. I don't think I have an edge. I think my edges have been filed down to smooth curves.