Jun 02, 2007 02:28
female hormones fucking blow. just ask the guys who work with me. all the girls are on the same cycle and there are a lot of us. it's a force to be reckoned with, trust me.
did i really think i, as a woman, could have a completely feelings-free hookup? yeah, maybe it would have been fine if i didn't have to work with the person...makes it a little awkward to say the least. yeah, i'm still not attracted to him in any way but physically, but i don't want to be rejected regardless. i wanted to be wanted. don't we all? i'm not ashamed to say it makes me feel good to have a good-looking guy around right now. that's why i want to keep him around. i could use a little self-esteem boost, no matter how happy i am in my single life. i'll always be just a bit lonely. that's how it works.
as far as other things go...can i really be buddies with someone who i know i can never have, but who i might be slightly in love with (although i'll never really admit it)? fuck that noise. bah. pesky girlfriends and such.
i need to meet a great single guy who thinks i'm great. is that too much to ask?