May 16, 2005 07:42
Strange how the prospect of a new job and indulgence of my compulsive obsessive side for computer games can make the world a brighter place, from my perspective.
Not just a new job but one that appears to be more aligned with my natural interests, so less square peg in round hole syndrome.
It has been many, many, years since I became immersed in a computer game, which used to be my normal state when I was oh so much younger. Now thanks to World of Warcraft I am once again projecting in-game experience and paradigms onto reality.
- Looking out of trains at pools of water and wondering what lurks beneath.
- Expecting XPs for visiting new places.
- Right clicking on Police in London for information.
- Looking for the PvP flag on others - and yes there are corporate PVP people out there :)
So more work and an early finish so I can fit in more obsession.