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Nov 08, 2009 15:56

commen_sense posted a very interesting interview with Deanne Bray (the actress who plays Emma) here.

Credit to the interview goes to riddler039

RR: (LibraGrl304) How well can you read lips?

DB: With my hearing aid, I can read lips pretty well. Without them, not so great. It all depends on who I talk to. Milo... I can read his lips pretty well because he is expressive with his eyes and moves his lips enough for me to catch some words and then I figure it out. Masi... its a little hard to read his lips because he doesn't move them much.

I thought this was pretty interesting, since Trekker pointed out that Milo's lips might be hard to read because of his dead nerves. Doesn't seem to be the case, though. And yeah, aww.

RR: (SaberProductions) In the episode "Hysterical Blindness", were you and Milo actually playing the piano together?

DB: Yes. We had rehearsal. We played the piano together and it was fun!


RR: (Alessandra) What is the most difficult part of playing your character?

DB: Reading the actors' lips. I try to add lines of playing Emma who doesn't catch everything a person says. For instance, if someone says "My name is Megan." Then I'd have Emma gesture for Megan to come closer so I can see her lips and say "Your name is..." Then the person would repeat "Megan". Little things like that. Sometimes the writers allow that. Of course, before doing it, I would ask the writers before the day we shoot the scene.

I'm happy to be working on an episode right now, 4x13, where one character understands my ASL and it will all be in subtitles. The character signs some as well. It's not Peter or Emma's mother, I can tell you that much.

I think she did that in the episode with Masi and I absolutely love it that she is influencing the script in that way. So, who else can sign? My bet is either Noah - since he can do pretty much anything - or Samuel who will want to lure her to his family.

RR: (Raekon) Do you think that your character will continue to change her opinion about keeping herself so closed off?

DB: I'm not sure where the writers are going to go with my character's emotions. I do know that Emma will be close friends with Peter (not a love interest) and grow to become a better person because of him, and I think he learns from her as well.

I admit, I'm very torn about this. On the one hand she has a better chance of being developed as a character, if she doesn't end up as a love interest. This also improves her chances of sticking around much longer. On the other hand the scenes with her and Peter had a *very* romantic element and it's the first Heroes romance I would be actually rooting for. I don't really get it, to be honest. Why not scratch that HRG/Lauren nonsense and go that way with Peter and Emma after the careful build up? I wonder if TPTB got cold feet and listened to that pathetic faction of fanboys and -girls who said Emma was too old and not hot enough for Peter. *grumble*

To end this on a positive note:

RR: Who has been your favorite cast member to spend off-screen time with?

DB: Milo and Masi.

RR: Are you worried about your character's future in Heroes, with the "curse of Peter"? After all, female characters he gets close to don't exactly end up well off... *Laughs*

DB: I'm not worried.


I'm now going to post pictures and a theory for episode 4x10, Brother's Keeper. If you don't want to be spoiled for that, please stop reading here.

And the following part is for cadesama, so please ignore us or join, if you like. I'm trying to figure out what will happen in 4x10 Brother's Keeper:

First I have to start with a pic that brings the LOLs big time:

How is that for two identical *!?!?!* expressions? I want to make a macro with "..." in the corner and will post that pic whenever someone is sprouting nonsense. You could apply this macro to almost anything.

Bonus because hot:

Okay, here is my theory how things are going down:

Nathan (I'll call him Nathan even though we all know it's Sylar!Nathan) and Peter reunite somehow and go see Matt in the hospital.

Basing on this picture I think that Peter still has his healing power and tries to heal Matt.

Sylar figures out that Nathan is his body and does everything to get him to touch him in order to join body and mind again. Nathan seems a little out of it, so I think Sylar is tapping into Matt's power to get him to come nearer. Although there is also the possibility that Nathan does it willingly to help Matt.

Peter figures out that this is not a good idea. Either he realizes that this is Sylar or he just sees that Matt is acting very weird. Seeing how much effort (heh) he puts into preventing them from touching, I'm leaning towards the former, though.

(I feel so sorry for Matt in these pics. He is like a big invisible fairy that flutters around their heads but nobody sees him. )

Sylar uses Matt's power to influence Nathan to get Peter out of the way, meaning he TKs him into the wall.

I spy little Peter in the corner *refrains from making the obvious Dirty Dancing reference* and he seems unable to stop them now (is he unconscious or has he just given up?)...

... but then this cop comes rushing in and the scene either ends with him being able to keep Nathan from Matt or Sylar's mind will join his body again.

But seeing that Peter flies with Nathan in the set pics we have seen, this scene has to come after the hospital scene where Peter still has healing.

So whatever happens there, Peter doesn't seem to hold a grudge against Nathan for flinging him into the wall and they have an angsty heart to heart that involves angsty hugs and hand holding and results in them flying away together.

I guessed as much since the next episode is going to feature the infamous Petrelli Thanksgiving dinner, so the Nathan/Sylar battle is still on and the hospital scene won't lead directly up to the death scene.


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