Jul 23, 2002 01:26
my live journal looks sick...thanks Jim. I have to write a lot now because the type is small. I don't even know why Jim up at one in the morning so don't IM me and ask, I think I'll go to bed soon.
John Q is a crazy movie.
It shows the inefficiency of the system....how people that aren't necessarily middle class or white collar get screwed, that shit happens every day. How can it be stopped? I'm not one to talk politics on the computer, but lets just say HMO's and health insurance aren't the answer. Post on that...
Stimulating arguments are fun and so are sexual references. but that's a whole different story...(its an inside joke I guess). I just had one actually, even though I so WON it was stiff fun. Its hard to argue with this certain individual, but her arguments are fast but weak.
I'm feeling intellectual (look at the little thingy dancing around). I think I'll go read a classic.