Feb 07, 2007 10:12
i drove aramis to the doctor yesterday. diagnosis: sinusitis, with secondary bronchitis. nasty and painful, but treatable. he's still pretty out of it today (he was still running a fever when i left for work), but hopefully once the antibiotics have had been in his system for a full 24 hours we'll see some marked progress.
heh. while i was sitting in the waiting room, i got a very quick glimpse of aramis's new doctor. he looks kind of like a gnome, except without a beard. he's shorter than me, kind of stocky, and he was even wearing a very goofy hat. so far, aramis loves him.
i slept on the couch last night. i hate doing that; it feels wrong somehow. but i really needed to get a few uninterrupted hours of sleep. i haven't slept much the past few nights, and the sleep i have been getting has been filled with these incredibly vivid dreams about lego star wars. (i know it sounds weird, but they're super intense. i swear they're more exhausting than not sleeping.) i'm happy to report that night i had a solid six hours of lego-free sleep. yay for that.
oy. isn't there a country-western song titled "i'm too young to feel this damn old"? if there isn't, there should be.