
Nov 03, 2004 16:17

It seems like every guy in the world is waiting for Halo 2 to come out. Now while this may seem like a cool and manly thing to do, your wrong. I personally am waiting for Halo 12. Halo 12 will make Halo 2 its B%^ch. Now while this may be hard to comprehend it is pretty obvious when you look at the charts. http://www.geocities.com/sent2vic/HaloChart.html As for the ladies, I am sure you are asking why the hell should I care about Halo 2 or Halo 12, like Halo 1 wasn't bad enough. With Halo 12 though they have taken the girls into consideration and have added a ton of awesome scenery just take a look http://www.geocities.com/sent2vic/halo12scene.html. As for the guys, the difficulty of the game has increased drastically. These marines will do basically anything for a frag(a kill u n00bs). http://www.geocities.com/sent2vic/frag.html As for the enjoyment factor of Halo 12 though?... Well you should probably ask Bobby about that http://www.geocities.com/sent2vic/bobby.html Basically Halo 12 is going to kick a lot of F^^king ass no matter how you look at it.
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