My Monthly LJ update

Sep 16, 2010 19:10

Hi, it's me again.

My trip is just a few more weeks! I can't believe I'm going to Korea. There was a time in my life where I thought I'd never go to another country and I killed that thought by going to Canada. The East Coast? Nah. I won't find myself there. Soon afterward, I went to New York. I also visited a few other states I never thought I'd go to... and then I found myself in Japan. Now I'm adding Korea to my list of countries.

My boss at work told me that I'm young, so I gotta take all the chances I can get to visit the world. She even suggested things like backpacking in Europe, but my style is I just don't visit a place unless I've got friends there. Everything is just better when you're with the right friends. I'm hoping to see my pixiv friends soon in Japan and my Korean pixiv friends in Korea! HOORAY!

I've finished up some more doujin projects and one of them will be released at Koromu.

What I have done lately is kept a dream journal. For those that have followed me here at LJ for a long time probably know that some of my dreams are really detailed--down to the point where sometimes I can read text on a wall or on a dream computer screen. In many ways, updating this dream journal (and random chat excerpts) has pretty much sufficed my need to update a blog of some sort, even though this journal is really just to myself. It's a private journal, only I can access it so no one reads it, and the thought of that doesn't even bother me. The social aspect of LJ is really nice but sometimes you just want some alone time.

In gaming news, I tried out the FFXIV beta but was pretty disappointed on the amount of bugs I've found. I've never had this much trouble with a single game before (next to Alien Swarm) and it's so sad because the game is coming out in less than a week.

Trying to learn Hangul, but I guess 'cause my mind is filled with all sorts of Japanese alphabet and Taiwanese alphabet, I'm having some trouble retaining that information. Makes me wish there was an epic RPG that included hangul and I'd just learn all these characters without really... realizing that I'm learning them.

There's been a lot days where my mind is filled with just good things, and even though nothing notable is happening in this moment in time, I'm just fine and I'm happy. Okay, well, lots of things are happening and I've been more busy now than ever, but it's all good. To think of who I was in 2004 is just so different that sometimes I wonder if I had even lived that part of my life at all...

japanese, korean, life, dream, korea, japan, pixiv, friends, love, journal, ffxiv, hangul, trip

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