More Alice

May 13, 2009 20:08

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Other than arts, I guess I have nothing new to report. Gonna try building Liz's computery thing soon probably. This week has been rather rough, though. I'll be gone this weekend and soon Fanime will arrive, but I doubt LiveJournal will feel that difference!

Oh, Twitter removed @replies to people you don't follow so now Twitter is a ball of lonely. I loved stalking all my friends and knowing what they were saying to other people that I had no idea about! Plus Twitter is having some syncing issues and it's not updating my timeline so oh well!

EDIT: More info about the Twitter update (check the "more links" area for articles about it):

Wait, wait, I do have something. My head has been hurting for the past few days, mostly the right side but I unfortunately can't do much about it. Taking Tylenol didn't quite work out well enough...


art, life, japan, paintchat, computer, alice, twitter, touhou

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