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yo_amo_burritos December 12 2008, 02:29:24 UTC
Hey there.

I really like the way that you draw Alice. Especially when you draw her with that awesome face in the second image. I didn't know that you drew more than on Tegaki, so yay, I get to see more art, that is if you don't mind me paying visits.

My favorite is the first piece because of the awesome colors. The yellows and greens really look nice together... But... Why must you do this?


miluda December 12 2008, 04:33:53 UTC

Thanks!! I like the way you draw the girlies too~ I definitely draw more off Tegaki than on it, so sure, come visit anytime you want.

I'm an Alice fan with an open mind. Of course I must do this. And I've loved Yuuka since forever, so it kills two birds with one stone.


djmeowmix December 12 2008, 05:38:50 UTC
i am the birds


miluda December 12 2008, 05:49:11 UTC


yo_amo_burritos December 12 2008, 06:26:48 UTC
Girlies is an awesome word. Same. I usually just sketch with pencil or on SAI. Oh, and can I friend you? I'm bad at checking LJ because of school and other things, plain lazyness being one of them, but I'm going to do my best! Or something. It would just be more convenient so if you post an awesome post, LJ can do it's thing and inform when ever I decide to check it.

So, you basically like Alice with everyone? That's pretty crazy.

Damnit, that icon is cute, I admit.


miluda December 12 2008, 06:33:21 UTC
Sure, you can friend me, I rarely add people to LJ lately as I'm sure you can see in my userinfo there's a rather large "also friend of" section or something. But feel free to comment whenever you'd like! I just visit people's journals randomly when I get the chance ( ... )


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