A flower for your troubles?

Nov 10, 2008 16:46

Circuit City owes HP $118 million. Circuit City filed for bankruptcy today. They lasted like 59 years or something! It's just kind of strange when a store you see when you were younger falls down, but it happens.

If you can't read the article, here it is:

SAN FRANCISCO--Circuit City Stores Inc., which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Monday, owes Hewlett-Packard Co. more than $118 million, according to court documents filed Monday by the retail chain.

H-P, which sells personal computers and printers at Circuit City, is the store's largest unsecured creditor. H-P ranks ahead of Samsung Electronics Co.--to which Circuit City owes nearly $116 million--and Sony Corp., which is owed $60 million.

An H-P spokeswoman didn't have an immediate comment on whether the company is still shipping merchandise to Circuit City, which last week announced it would close 155 of its more than 721 stores.

Maynard Um, an analyst with UBS, said he doesn't believe the bankruptcy will weigh too heavily on H-P's consumer profits, since H-P has a wide presence at other retail outlets.

"In terms of shelf space, H-P's the dominant one," he said. "If all the traffic goes to other retailers, they're just as dominant there."

Winter is finally showing as it's getting colder. My room still stays as warm as ever thanks to warm air rising and the vaulted ceiling from the living room into my room. Nice during winters, horrible during summers.

I finally started uploading pictures to my pixiv account. I don't know how often I'll tend to it, but this is better than what I have at DeviantART which hasn't been updated in years.

I would like to spend some time drawing some new artwork, but haven't been able to sit myself down to do so. Tons of ideas are floating around in my head that I'd like to get on paper but it's always that wall of how to execute it closely to the way you imagined. I did draw something up in MSN, but I'm not sure if I want to post it here.

What else is new? I bought a fan to put inside my computer to have better cooling.

Oh, and about cosplay? I'm preparing Reimu for the coming conventions, so be sure to look for her there if you're also attending.

ax09, reimu, life, fanime09, cosplay, animeexpo, news, computer, fanime, touhou, anime expo

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