Belated Birthday Weekend

Nov 04, 2008 17:25

That was drawn by djmeowmix and I only wish I did it!

Haven't had too much time to update, but last weekend was cool because my mom and some of my friends got together and planned a surprise birthday weekend for me! It was really cooool and FUUUUN... unfortunately I was rather tired and have had some broken sleep lately, but I think that was probably the most surprise / activity I've had for a birthday in years. I'm very lucky and fortunate to have such cool people who care about me!

One of the dinners was at Hot Pot City in Milpitas and I currently crave their beef now... it's too bad that each time I go to that place I end up smelling like delicious, delicious beef...............

Didn't dress up for Halloween, so no activities this year related to Halloween for me. I stayed home 'cause I was tiiiiired.

My new LCD came in and it is sexy. I may take a photograph (or a lazy webcam photo) of my set-up in the near future. I also got my cable so now my external drive is back online, and my touhous are back online! I also finally checked out the more specific specs of the included GeForce 9800GT and it looks like it's already been factory overclocked. Cool.

I also made a silly zlio shop thing... I don't expect to make any serious money from it as it only features three products but have you preordered your Yokaiden book yet? Apparently zlio doesn't make the price any higher than it is featured on the other merchants and you get paid by commission instead of by making the price higher. Cool. Wouldn't mind being your referrer if you make a shop, too...

lauren, mom, art, elizabeth, halloween, birthday, tegaki, kimberly, computer, surprise, reiali

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