A dream within an hour nap.

Oct 20, 2008 14:45

I have to wake up super early this week to send my brother to class since my father is in Australia currently. He'll be there for a week, so I've got to do a lot of extra chores that he'd normally do now. After having woken this morning, I sent my brother to class, did a few chores, and took an hour nap, went to work. I ended up having this dream, and I guess I'm really just writing it here for my own personal recollection, but others are more than welcome to read it if they'd like.

I don't know how I met up with Trudy, but somehow I did. I think I wanted to tell her about something, or share something... it might have been a book since she reads them so much, or a game, or something. Either way, I wanted Trudy to know about this thing, so I went looking for her and met up with her.

The thing is, I went to her school to meet up with her, so her school (a university of some sort) had this tall, long fence, with many gates, it was like a zig-zag if you looked at it from the sky. It almost felt like I was entering a high security level government thing, but it was a university.

Once I got in, there was a Mickey Mouse bronze-ish looking fountain, just like the one similar to Main Street USA except Walt wasn't there, and it wasn't freestanding. It was against a wall of some sort, so the wall had a dip to fit the fountain, and it had shot like three to four different streams of water back into the fountain.

During this time that I met up with Trudy, we hung out-- I don't seem to remember the details of this too well, but I think she just wanted me to be around her. It was odd because she looked more boyish than usual, like her hair was cropped really short. We went to some sort of office (for teachers?) place in the school and eventually went to her house. I met her family, like her mom, and her siblings, or something? I met more than one person, though, and they were all family members. It was mostly her mom that I talked to, and they seemed okay with me. We had dinner? I don't know, the family and I did something together. Then, it became really late, and Trudy needed to sleep to get up for class the next morning.

Her mom told me a few things to put back, so I put them back since we used them for whatever we were doing for dinner or whatever it was.

I don't know what happened, but the thing I needed to put back was above her bed, so I put the thing back and sat down. She came over to me and looked at me, or something. She got really close and our lips brushed. I felt embarrassed and looked down, but she ended up kissing me. It wasn't very long, and I looked away because I was really shy about it, and mostly surprised because I didn't know that would happen...

She brought my face up to hers again, and her lips touched the side of my lip, somehow I wanted to leave, not sure why, so I moved, and it ended up being that we twirled toward the doorway and she was like, "I guess my mom knows about it," since she can see from the hallway. I didn't know what to do.

But the entire time I hung with her, I thought about how Trudy didn't reply to me about my phone call, and I didn't want to bring it up to her. She said something about how she was glad to be able to be with me like this because she was a little lonely. It was fine with me that she didn't reply, I did my best, she must have been pretty busy. She has a bunch of other people to talk to her, I thought.

I ended up staying at her house, I don't know why I didn't leave. We just talked or something the whole time, so she didn't get any sleep, and had to go to school again. I ended up apologizing a whole lot, but she said it was worth it.

Her house has this weird projector or hologram thing, it looks really realistic. If people walk to the front door, you can see an image of them, but if they walk away, it disappeared. It was in a 3D space...

Anyway, we left through the front door and we walked through the tall gates again to get to her school.

It was only starting to get bright, so it must have been early morning.

After we had immediately passed those gates, something was going on, that invovlved some sort of security stuff, so we stood around to look at it, next to a statue of a wheelbarrow or an actual wheelbarrow, I don't know, I think it was a statue. She put her foot up on it, and rested her arm on her leg, and said something to me in Mandarin, and then Taiwanese. I turned at her looking really surprised, and I said I couldn't understand Taiwanese very well. She apologized to me, and said that she was interested in learning it because she wanted to get closer to me.

Later, we ended up walking to what looked like a strange enlongated half-court basketball court. There were guys there, playing the game, and she wanted to join in, so she did. There was this screen that sort of seemed like a scoreboard, but it wasn't. It held information of the players or students that were nearby. Not being a student, I didn't have an ID and and the screen (it was on the ground near the basketball hoop) ...

It showed up my information, and Trudy said something about if I was sick (and somehow I was?) then the information would become shown because it was a bug in the system, like all of the information, instead of just the public details.

It showed up tags of what I used on my LiveJournal, or Journal service of some sort... that I wrote that Trudy had kissed me, but it didn't show my name because I wasn't a student. Trudy was a little bothered, but not much, she said she hoped that nothing that was posted would prove it's really her, but then images popped up that I posted a long, long, time ago that was obviously her. We wanted to leave.

There was a guy there that said he could help me get an ID number and it involved somehow searing the number into the palm of my hand or some sort of circuitry into my hand. I refused, saying it was fine, I think the number was oddly nine. (Or even a nineball!)

Eventually, we left and Trudy sort of followed me, not wanting to part with me, but at this point, I woke up.

I don't really know.

My dreams usually have some sort of message, or some sort of logic to it. They can be bizarre sometimes, but they always have their own form of sense. People say certain elements of a dream mean a certain thing, but I think it varies from person to person. What water may mean to one's dream may mean something else to another's dream. I actually have had a few vivid dreams that I haven't written here, but I had the chance to write this one down pretty clearly, so I thought I'd put it up, too. Dreams often figure out what I was trying to figure out during the day... I remember reading about a woman who read a riddle in a newspaper and could not figure it out, but then she slept on it and during the dream she saw the answer. It was something about removing the first letter of every word and it made a new sentence, like Prussians -> Russians sort of thing. Interesting like that, isn't it?

I have also been stuck on this song which may be affecting my mood.

video, trudy, life, dream, bennie k, nap, song, youtube

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